About Me

I am here to show you my journey. So far it has been a tough rough but I am very excited to share it with you. I was very scared at first, but this is something I needed to do, for myself. I am so inspired by so many people around me that I only wish to be half the inspiration to at least one person. The path I am on has many highs and many more lows but I know that where I will finish will be worth every single minute of every sacrifice that has been made. Always have faith in yourself but put that faith to good practice. I will make it.. tell your momma! ;)


mi belleza latina.

i've been up since 4:30 am.  amongst hundreds of other young girls that are dying for the dream of becoming the next "NBL" super star.  "NBL" for those of you that do not know stands for "Nuestra Belleza Latina".  Its a show on Univision that has been airing for a couple years now and it has become, to be very honest, very popular.  Now, I am not one of the girls auditioning.  I am just here for mere support for one particular girl that has become surprisingly very close to my heart.  Rather quickly, too.   Her name? Marianly.  She, too, is Dominican and the second I met her at work I noticed how sweet and generous she was.  Something stood out about her but wasn't quite sure what it was. We would work on some days together but it wasn't until recently that we started getting to know each other on that deeper level- i think it was because we went on break together..maybe? I don't know how it happened exactly but we were talking about NBL the other day and she mentioned that she wanted to audition for it and I told her that some of the girls on Model Latina were on it... she was still thinking about it and how she wanted her mom to be there on the day of auditions but couldn't.  That struck a cord with me and make a long story short- I offered my support and asked her if she wanted me to go with her.  She did so I did.   Can I just say one thing? I honestly think she has all that it takes to represent the hispanic woman.  I know that they look for a well rounded woman to represent us and empower us...To inspire us to do more, be better, and reach for the best. and in the short time that I've known her, she has done just that.  She has this distinct aura about her, it's a little bit bizarre.  And I can assure you that the producers have already taken notice.  Ugh, I'm getting kicked out from the second floor.  I was being slick for a hot minute. It worked for a little until a chick came over.... clearly.  haha.   and we're back!!! finally found a free chair in the lobby... thank you baby Jesus! ...ok, where was i? oh yes, Marianly. Haha. This sounds like I am crazy obsessed with her, doesnt it? But im not, I promise.  I just have a ton of faith in her.  I believe in her.  Funny thing is- all the girls in that room what the exact same thing.  And who's to say they can't all accomplish it? Maybe not all at the same time. But when THEIR time is right, and when everything lines up, things happen, and dreams do come true.  Maybe not the original plans, but they end up being happy.  At least, I hope so.  For their sake, and mine.   i heard one girl walk away and say "now i can say that at least 'i tried'"-- man.  i agree.  but does SHE even believe that? that is a great attitude to have but really? i mean, i guess this is just another fork in the road for some, another opportunity.  But then again, for some this is the beginning of a new adventure.  a way out of the norm.  a new career- a new home in univision.  a lot of women work extremely hard for that and never even reach close to it. And my friend is almost there... i almost can't wait to watch her and just call in to vote every week or whatever it is! haha hopefully she makes it thru.  i have a feeling she will. but if she doesn't, there are other things that diosito has lined up for her.  as well as all the other dreamers i've seen here today.  i just hope they realize that.  i've been in their heels one too many times, it's painful... but we all know that at the end of the road, it's worth it to look good in those stilettos. sending her blessings as i type... xoxo

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