About Me

I am here to show you my journey. So far it has been a tough rough but I am very excited to share it with you. I was very scared at first, but this is something I needed to do, for myself. I am so inspired by so many people around me that I only wish to be half the inspiration to at least one person. The path I am on has many highs and many more lows but I know that where I will finish will be worth every single minute of every sacrifice that has been made. Always have faith in yourself but put that faith to good practice. I will make it.. tell your momma! ;)


hahaha... you are about to see more of this.

i just got this video from kristina. it was on our way to our shoot yesterday.  let me paint you a picture. her and i were patiently waiting for our train... and we were talking about how famished we were, because naturally, we are models. and as the cliche', states... we don't eat. lol.  ok, we eat.. but just very little. right kristina? back me up here-- jeez! we just got goals to reach! and mountains to climb!!

anyway, back to the story... before you know it some dude sits down next to me with a fresh batch of soft pretzels and caramel dipping sauce.  really? like, was he for real? but here's the best part... i don't even like pretzels! but i wanted a piece so bad just because it smelled soooooo good.  but what do us 'normal' girls do? we take our handy dandy iPhones and start doing this....

okok, i know it isn't the best video.. but i die everytime i watch it.  and there are more where that came from. and i promise- they are better. better than that air i consumed, tell you that much! ha.

tata for now!

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