About Me

I am here to show you my journey. So far it has been a tough rough but I am very excited to share it with you. I was very scared at first, but this is something I needed to do, for myself. I am so inspired by so many people around me that I only wish to be half the inspiration to at least one person. The path I am on has many highs and many more lows but I know that where I will finish will be worth every single minute of every sacrifice that has been made. Always have faith in yourself but put that faith to good practice. I will make it.. tell your momma! ;)



so i went on a road-trip to philly this past sunday to go to an open call for a very well-known agency...i will let you know how the process went before i let you know the outcome...

my friend and i got there around 1:15 and the line was already out the door.. they let us in, and we sign up. (at this point, i felt like i was in like to audition for american idol...) anyway, i signed up, wrote my measurements.. lied about my hips.. wrote 37 instead of 38. ha. oh well.  i figured i'd have it down, right? right. after the first sign-in table, we moved on to the second, handed them a picture, and moved on to the third table... oh wait! in the second table- the girl looking through our books peeked through mine, saw some of my pictures and tearsheets and asked if i was signed with any other agencies, i said no, obvi.. and she proceeds to say "really? so you got everything on your own?! ohh, i'm really excited! those are really good!" --at this point. I got really excited.  moving on to the next table.... they took our forms and gave me a number, #47, and told us to take a seat by the runway.

yep- we were going to show our walks to the owner and bookers of the agency.  one by one.. so we did... and we had to wait until everyone else did too.. fast forward 2 hours.. if you had a book we stayed to show the owner... oh! but wait- there was a little catch! her assistant walked around and looked at our books first. if and only if you had tearsheets can you stay and chat it up with the owner.  THANK GOD i ripped mine out of the magazine. thank you risa. :) so i stayed, when it was my turn, i went up, and she looked through my book, she told me i was gorgeous, blah, blah, and that she "loved my measurements"-- i'm sorry, you love my measurements? did i just hear you correctly?! haha... i don't know if she was looking at the right paper or if she just said that to say it but hell, i'll take it!! she then continued to tell me that clients are always calling her for hispanic/greek/italian models and that i can be marketed to fit all of that.. and that they will definitely be calling me that week.

yep. calling me.  and that was it.  i got up and left.

so fast forward one day.  i was on the train with my friend when all of a sudden.. i get a call... from the agency. "we like to congratulate you on being accepted into the commercial/fashion&runway division of our agency." well, lets just say i nearly died.  one of the train employees had to come in and ask if we were ok.  haha

we have set up a meeting for next tuesday and we shall see what happens! although, now that i am writing this a day later after all the emotion has settled.. i still have to see what i am going to do but i am thinking this may not be the best choice for me. what's meant to be will be. i need to follow my gut and for some reason, something is telling me that this may not be the way to go. but i just wanted to say a quick little thank you to everyone that has been so supportive through this entire journey.

you guys really are the best. <3

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