About Me

I am here to show you my journey. So far it has been a tough rough but I am very excited to share it with you. I was very scared at first, but this is something I needed to do, for myself. I am so inspired by so many people around me that I only wish to be half the inspiration to at least one person. The path I am on has many highs and many more lows but I know that where I will finish will be worth every single minute of every sacrifice that has been made. Always have faith in yourself but put that faith to good practice. I will make it.. tell your momma! ;)


magic number. 36. and some other stuff...

so just got back from the gym and all i kept thinking to myself. hahahaha. just kidding. no but really.

so a really good friend of mine got an appt with an amazing agency and let me just tell you this girl is on FIRE.  she is smaller than me and just about my height.  the appointment went great the only thing is they asked her to lose 2 inches off of her hips.  she's a 38. therefore magic number being a 36.  get it? and let me fill you in on a little something my dear friends- thats just for commercial modeling.  not even high fashion. but bro- I'LL TAKE IT!!! for that agency- i'll take it!! they will market the crap outta ya. in LA, NY, anddddddd tadadadaaaaaaa--- my hometown. good ole, Miami.  honestly, i've been thinking about it a lot lately, and if i can find an agency to represent me both in ny and miami.  that would be a dream come true. my friends and family mean the world to me and that is the one thing that is missing in my life right now.  i mean, i love it here in ny but what does it all mean with out the people that mean the most to you?  the people that help you get to where you want to be.  that give you the support you need.  i don't have them here with me. in the events i do here in the city, i occasionally, well- mostly always i get to invite guests- you know, boyfriend, friends, family, etc... but i never do.  not becuase i dont want to, just because i don't have them here.  and in the hustle and bustle of my daily routine i usually don't notice that it bothers me but when i get there, when i get to the show or whatever it is that i am doing and i see everyone else with their core of supporters, that knot in my throat just tightens and the fake smile comes out and i wish i were back home.  part of me just wants to quit.  is this all worth it? being away from home? i miss everyone.

i don't know why i just took this post way in the other direction.. i mean,  i hardly get like this. but i made this decision to move here and i am not about to sit here and be debbie downer! :) its just a little bump in the road and i will see them on nov 22 for thanksgivvvinnnn'! (i have a friend from texas and thats how they say it- without the 'g'! go ahead, try it! its fun! haha) and i will enjoy every.damn.minute.

well kiddies- im off to get ready for the super secret commercial! :) i'll probably be too tired to post after but i shall try! :)



  1. It's official. I am flying out to NY whenever ur invited to a party and need a friend, guest, date, supporter w/e the hell u need to get that knot outta your throat!!!

    Just keep the end in mind and the vision. It'll all be worth it once you've "arrived" and you'll know when you have as long as u keep the picture clear in your mind! You gotta feel like you've done everything possible to deserve the rewards before you actually receive them, at least thats how it is with the best things in this life. So keep on deserving it and it'll come, and btw, just remember, CALL ME!!! lol (especially to be your guest/date/supporter/ w/e, that knot is UNACCEPTABLE!!!)

  2. Its going to be a year and missing you more now than ever!! I am beyond proud of you and so honored to call you one of my best friends!!!!! I love you and I cant wait till you come back home!!! Im soooo ready for the video and photoshoots! #waaah
