About Me

I am here to show you my journey. So far it has been a tough rough but I am very excited to share it with you. I was very scared at first, but this is something I needed to do, for myself. I am so inspired by so many people around me that I only wish to be half the inspiration to at least one person. The path I am on has many highs and many more lows but I know that where I will finish will be worth every single minute of every sacrifice that has been made. Always have faith in yourself but put that faith to good practice. I will make it.. tell your momma! ;)


im a wimp.

what is wrong with me? over these past few months i could say that i've tried to get signed with an agency. i could. i mean, could i? could i REALLY say that i have done everything in my power to get signed.  people would think so.  but no, i haven't.  why? because i am a damn sissy.  because i am afraid that the same thing that has happened to me for the last 9 or 10 years of my life will keep happening.  rejection.  and yes, i have sent my pictures to A LOT of agencies here in new york, and you may be thinking 'well, you haven't gotten signed to any of those...weren't you rejected?" ah! yes... but you see, not to my face.  that's where things take a turn for the interesting.  i could take a "no" via email.  but if the 'no' is in front of me... ek. God help me.

so anyway,  i recently met a new friend who is also an amazing make-up artist.. unbelievable! her work is honestly, faultless. well, she has been placed in my life for a reason, i believe, and for a good one.  although we have only spoken a few times, she inspires me.  to be me. and that i am enough.  as cheesy as it sounds, its true.  the first time we sat down and actually spoke to her, i just let it all out, it was like i was speaking to a sister who knew what i was feeling.  and she understood.  she was actually the one who asked if i had walked into any agencies and dumbfounded when i said no... she also said 'what the hell are you waiting for?!'- so last night, we agreed that by the end of next week, i would go into at least one agency.  just one.  you know, a stepping stone?  just talking about it freaks me out.  

and you know, i don't know what is wrong with me.  why am i so freaking insecure?  and please, what i am about to say is not out of conceit or cockiness at all... i am just speaking to speak... people tell me i am beautiful or gorgeous all the time.  and the thing that REALLY baffles my mind, i really get compliments when i am not wearing any make-up or just going to the gym.  which is when i think i look the worst.  i actually think it had to do with something i experienced growing up? i compared myself a lot to other girls.  i mean, i still do. clearly.  i mean, it is what it is.  right?

1 comment:

  1. We all have insecurities and our own worst critic. You aren't a wimp, you're human. We all fear rejection. We just need to adjust the way we look at things. A rejection could be God just removing a potential stumbling block and moving you towards where you are meant to be.
